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What to expect:

  • Snackable search updates from the past week
  • Consulting tips to make you stand out from your peers/competition
  • “Can’t Miss” article of the week
  • New SEO Job Listings
  • Top industry publications, events and tools/reports

What The SEO Industry Says About The #SEOForLunch Newsletter

#SEOForLunch is a go-to SEO newsletter that makes me look smart. Each week it delivers valuable new content I didn’t know was there.

Cyrus Shepard Founder,

I really look forward to getting Nick’s newsletter each week. Not only does he give me important articles to read, but I like that he adds his thoughts on each SEO topic as well. It’s a quick read and informative.

Marie Haynes Owner, Marie Haynes Consulting INC

There are so few SEO newsletters I subscribe to and I’m very selective about them, but SEOForLunch is a no brainer.

Paul Shapiro Tech SEO Lead, Shopify

I’m very particular about the SEO newsletters I subscribed to, and I absolutely love #SEOForLunch. The name says it—its content is easy to digest so I always read it. It saves me time and keeps me curious!

Steven Van Vessum VP of Community, ContentKing

#SEOforlunch tastes GOOD with Nick's takeaways and a pinch of his good humor. I enjoy reading digest of the most important SERP updates and authoritative articles in my inbox on Tuesdays.

Serge Bezborodov CTO, Jet Octopus

I am such a HUGE FAN of #SEOforLunch! It is such a huge time saver for me and my team – we read through it – and dive deeper into what we absolutely need to know.

Susan Staupe Advisory Board,

I'm a huge fan of the SEO For Lunch Newsletter. There is so much noise in the SEO space and valuable content can quickly get lost on Twitter. I love how Nick highlights recent and valuable content, so I can quickly stay up to speed on what is most important.

Niki Mosier Director of Digital Markting at AgentSync

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