nick talking seo

Bold and Unfiltered SEO Consulting

Nick LeRoy is a freelance SEO consultant and newsletter author in St. Paul, Minnesota. He specializes in SEO consulting, SEO audits and SEO advising through his company Nick LeRoy Consulting

Nick is the author of the SEOForLunch newsletter and owner of the boutique job board

Connect with Nick online through Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Nick's Career Journey

May, 2020 - Present
May, 2020 - Present

Nick LeRoy Consulting


After 10+ years working agency side, Nick moves to a full-time freelance SEO role, working with enterprise level clients.  In addition to consulting, he authors the #SEOForLunch newsletter and runs the boutique job board


ICF Next

Director of Organic Search Strategy

Nick takes his next challenge in leading the SEO practice at ICF Next, a global marketing agency. Nick's tasked with growing a team to provide top tier SEO services to ICF's enterprise clients

Key Wins:
2019 Brickie award winner - "The challenger award"


Ovative Group

SEO Manager
Nick lead a team overseeing the highest revenue-driving clients within the larger SEO team.

Key Wins:
Double-digit YoY organic growth for the team's largest retainer client for four consecutive years


FindLaw, Thomson Reuters

SEO Consultant
Nick joined a team overseeing thousands of clients in the legal vertical ranging in annual revenue of $10-50K each.

Key Wins:
Voted by colleagues to represent the team in the "SEO Council" which was responsible for identifying new SEO techniques and area's to improve Findlaw's service offerings.


DKS Systems

Web Marketing Specialist

It all started here. Nick was given the opportunity to self teach himself SEO and then incorporated SEO best practices for a multi million dollar revenue web design and development firm

Key Wins: Created a service offering and revenue stream previously unavailable through the company.

Images of Nick LeRoy

Nick LeRoy Pic
Nick LeRoy Speaking at MNSearch
nick leroy seo jobs


Nick is a master of the craft that is SEO. He worked on a large project with for just over a year. We would highly recommend him and his services.

Arran Stewart Co-founder,

I worked with Nick as a client at two different companies. He has both the strategy and the technical expertise to help his clients be successful from concept to results. Nick is also a great human to work with and really makes you want to do business with him. I would hire Nick again, no question.

Tricia McCaffrey - Head of Marketing, US Water Filters

Nick has been an indispensable asset as part of the Wix SEO Advisory Board. The feedback and expertise he has offered around our SEO product has helped support millions of Wix users and has helped push the web itself forward.

Mordy Oberstein Head of SEO Branding

Nick has been a tremendous asset to our team with the technical SEO experience he brings to our platform. What we had attempted to fix for 2 years, he fixed in 2 months.

Abby Murray CEO, Mortarr

Nick is a fantastic SEO professional! We launched our new website last week and Nick was thorough and made sure everything was properly done and in place! Couldn't have done it without him! Thanks Nick!

Patrick Wicker Director of Sales, Applied Adhesives

Switcher Studio hired Nick to do a technical SEO audit. After only a few short weeks, Nick delivered a thorough assessment of key areas with additional context on which had the most opportunity

Wendy Parrish Head of Sales & Marketing, Switcher Studio

It has been extremely refreshing to have the outside help of a seasoned SEO veteran advising our younger Hook Agency team members.”

Tim Brown CEO, Hook Agency

I needed help with a complicated website migration. There were a number of issues involved that had a strong risk of causing us to lose rankings. Nick stepped in to save the day. With in-depth knowledge of what was needed as well as a close attention to detail to make sure that nothing slipped through the cracks, Nick made sure everything went smoothly and monitored afterwards to make sure that the migration was a success. Based on the number of major issues he was able to catch, I'm sure he saved us from significant traffic loss.

Leah Gottheim - VP,

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