🛑 Remove the black box from SEO when seeking leadership buy-in. ⚠ 👇

  • September 12, 2024
  • Nick LeRoy

Land Promotions, Earn More, and Drive SEO Results

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When leadership can’t see the tangible impact of SEO, they won’t invest—leaving opportunities (and revenue) on the table.
📊 Today’s consulting tip is about learning to be OK with providing ranges.

Using the high/low method with TAM analysis (Total Addressable Market) removes uncertainty and builds confidence in your SEO strategy, making investing easier for leaders.

Start by analyzing your top search competitors’ organic traffic. Understand not only how they’re performing today but also how long they’ve likely been investing in SEO and the frequency at which they create and publish new content.

With this data, craft a narrative explaining the true opportunity and using competitive performance to your advantage.

💬 When speaking with leadership, give them performance ranges tied to different investment levels:

💰 At investment level A, we estimate a high/low range of ABC growth* through XYZ efforts.
💰 At investment level B, we estimate a high/low range of ABC growth* through XYZ efforts.

*Pro tip: Always tie your pitch to dollars. Traffic growth alone doesn’t pay the bills. Use your own conversion and order/lead values to provide more accurate ranges!