🤝 People do business with those they like, know, and trust. 🤝

  • October 2, 2024
  • Nick LeRoy

Land Promotions, Earn More, and Drive SEO Results

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In consulting, it’s not just about the results you deliver—it’s about the relationships you build. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

It sounds simple, but so many consultants overlook this crucial point. Think about it: when was the last time you chose to work with someone you didn’t feel a genuine connection with?

Here are a few tips I use to foster those connections:

👉 Be Relatable.

For me, this means sharing personal experiences, stories (usually involving my kids), and hobbies. It’s about showing clients I’m more than just an SEO consultant.

👉 Demonstrate Expertise.

I take pride in being proactive. Alongside the strategy we’re executing, I consistently share new search updates, industry resources, and insights from my work across various sites and verticals.

👉 Build Trust Through Transparency.

Sharing successes is easy, but what sets you apart is your ability to have tough conversations. When needed, I actively (and respectfully) challenge assumptions, strategies, and the value of different efforts. Do this right, and leadership/decision-makers will become your biggest advocates.

Building trust is at the core of successful consulting, regardless of whether you are in-house, on the agency side, or freelance.


Nick’s been an SEO consultant for 15+ years, working with brands such as Saatva, Keurig, Apartments.com, and Sun Country. Subscribe to the #SEOForLunch newsletter to get his weekly consulting tips sent directly to your inbox.